We are committed to being the best possible stewards of our land, water and air resources, and conduct our business operations in a way that minimises any impact we may have on our natural environment.


  • Production of solar power beginning in 2021
  • Rehabilitation of 22.29 ha of land
  • No environmental fines or directives incurred in 2020
  • No carbon tax payable for the year
  • Score of 90% and above on environmental performance assessments

Committed To Protecting Our Natural Heritage

PAN African Resources has a holistic environmental strategy to ensure we achieve our mandate of sustainable gold production and reducing our ecological footprint.

We recognise the potential of mining to have a significant impact on the environment. This is why we prioritise the preservation of our vital natural resources like air, water, soil, minerals, fuels, plants and animals in extracting our high-grade gold resources.

Through innovative technology; a group-wide commitment to environmental stewardship; and a culture of compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations, Pan African Resources operates with the utmost care and respect for our natural environment.

Discover our Environmental Initiatives:


We are committed to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and using solar energy to power significant areas of our operations to help us combat climate change.


In addition to decommissioning and closing old shafts, our rehabilitation activities are aimed at restoring natural ecosystems and attracting indigenous flora and fauna.


We are dedicated to reducing, reusing and recycling waste across our production to minimise the impact on surrounding communities and the environment.


Through our tailings retreatment plants, PAR processes waste rock and tailings left behind from historical mines, transferring this material to modern, rehabilitated tailings dams.


Progressive water quality, efficiency and management programmes are in place across our operations to help us improve recycling, reduce water incidents and maintain compliance.


We are committed to preserving the rich natural heritage of the areas we operate in, with a particular focus on eradicating or controlling invasive species of trees.


From modern CFC-free refrigerants to state-of-the-art ambient air and stack emission monitoring, we are dedicated to meeting the highest air quality standards.

We’re investing in solar energy

Our 10 MW solar plant will start producing electricity in 2021. At full capacity, it will meet 30% of Elikhulu’s power requirements.

We’re committed to fighting climate change

We are fully aware of the dangers of climate change and the importance of doing our part to address and mitigate its impact, as set out in our Group SHEQC policy.

Our sustainable renewable energy investments are central to reducing our carbon footprint, while also limiting our exposure to escalating energy costs from fossil fuel energy generation.

From cradle to grave, our mines operate with due respect within our natural environment.

Environmental sustainability is central to our business

Environmental awareness and protection is a key focus for Pan African Resources, not just because of our moral obligation to preserve our natural habitats, but also because environmentally friendly processes and behaviours make good business sense.

We recognise that the effectiveness of our environmental efforts is amplified through effective partnerships with our stakeholders. We will continue to work to raise awareness among our employees and local community members and make every effort to grow the culture of environmental care and positive behaviour.

This is how we go Beyond Compliance.

0 T
of steel recycled
0 T
tailings reprocessed
0 T CO2/oz
reduction in emissions

Find out more about PAN African Resources’ environmental strategy.

Read more about our ESG projects: