Good corporate governance is central to our vision of creating sustainable value for all our stakeholders.
Committed to responsible, ethical governance
Our corporate governance framework provides strategic direction for the Group, supports our licence to operate and ensures our compliance with the highest legal, ethical and industry standards.
We review our corporate governance practices regularly and have adopted King IV as the recognised corporate governance code to ensure that we act in the best interests of our stakeholders and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
To ensure the long-term sustainability of our business, our governance framework actively shapes our corporate citizenship role, and we invest in our relationships with our host communities to seek their ongoing approval, support and participation.
Find out how we’re Mining for a future
Discover why sustainability is important for Pan African Resources.
Pan African Resources is a King IV-compliant company, dedicated to delivering the highest value to our stakeholders through excellent corporate governance.
Every year, we commission independent audits of:
- Carbon tax emissions
- Tailings storage facilities
- Mineral tenure compliance
- SLP implementation
- Environmental management system compliance
- Water-use licences
Illegal Mining & Crime Prevention
High levels of illegal mining, especially at Barberton Mines pose significant safety and security risk, and negatively affects our gold production.
In response, Pan has implemented a multi-layered strategic and operational approach to combat illegal activities, in coordination with relevant law enforcement authorities. We have expanded our efforts to include community-based crime prevention initiatives, introduced CCTV networks on our operations, as well as dedicated significant resources to sealing off old mine shafts. These investments have already enabled us to target high-risk areas more effectively
Acts and Codes
Pan African Resources subscribes to the following relevant acts and codes:
South Africa (Corporate)
- South African Companies Act 71 of 2008 – applicable to South African entities
- JSE Listings Requirements
- King IV
- Labour Relations Act of 1995
United Kingdom (Corporate)
- Companies Act 2006
- The UK Corporate Governance Code
- The Bribery Act 2010
- Minerals and Energy (South Africa)
Minerals and Petroleum Resources Act of 2008
- National Energy Act of 2008
- Precious Metals Act of 2005
- Broad-based socio-economic empowerment charter for the mining and minerals industry 2018
Safety, Health And Environment (South Africa)
- Mine Health and Safety Act of 1996
- Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1993
- Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act of 1993
- National Environmental Management Act of 1998 and amendments
- National Water Act of 1998
- National Nuclear Regulator Act of 1999
- National Environmental Waste Act 59 of 2008
- Air Quality Amendment Act 20 of 2004
Read more about our ESG projects:
PAR’s Excellence in Community Engagement & Labor Relations
PAR's Excellence in Community Engagement & Labor Relations Pan African Resources (PAR) is a gold mining company operating a portfolio of mines in South Africa. It also conducts several gold exploration
Ore Processing Breakthroughs – Pan African Resources
Revolutionizing Gold Mining: Pan African Resources' Ore Processing Breakthroughs After over 135 years of gold mining in South Africa, the large gold deposits remaining in the ground are mostly
Mintails Project: Spearheading Economic Revival in Gold Mining
Mintails Spurs Economic Revival A new generation of South African mining companies is changing long-held perceptions that the country’s gold mines are deep, dangerous and dirty. While a few large