Facebook Group Rules
Welcome to Mogale Tailings Retreatment Pty Ltd Official News page. Make sure that you take a look at our rules before joining our page
We reserve the right to remove posts that are in breach of our House Rules. Sinalo lilungelo lekusula imilayetelo lebhaleke ngendlela lekhomba kungahambisani nemigomo lebekiwe
Always assume that a comment posted on a social media site will be a public and not a private matter. Hlala wati kutsi konke lekubhalwa kulelikhasi letfu, kubhalelwa umphakatsi, hhayi umuntfu.
Ensure that posts are appropriate, respectful and do not damage reputations. Uyacelwa kutsi ucinisekise kutsi konke lokubhala kulelikhasi kuliciniso, ukubhala ngendlela lehloniphekile.
We will not accept anything perceived as abusive or bullying. Tsine njengenkampani angeke sivumele tinkulumo letikhomba kuhlukumetana nebudlova.
Avoid false, defamatory, misleading or embarrassing content. Uyacelwa kutsi ubhale lokuliciniso ngaso sonke sikhatsi. Ungabhali inkulumo lengasilo liciniso, lekhohlisako kanye nemibiko.
Inappropriate Posting
Inappropriate postings will not be tolerated. Inkampani angeke yatibeketelela timemetelo nobe tinkulumo letingakavumeleki.
You will be held accountable for anything you post. Utatiphendvulela kuko konke lokubhala kulelikhasi letfu lekuchumana.
You participate at your own risk and take full responsibility. Awukaphocelelwa kutsi uhlanganyele natsi kulelikhasi letfu lekuchumana, loko ukwenta ngoba unesifiso sekuhlanganyela natsi.
No advertising is allowed on Mogale Tailings Retreatment’s social media pages without prior consent. Kufuneka utfole imvumo kitsi kucala ngaphambi kwekutsi ukhangise libhizinisi lakho kulelikhasi letfu.
Do not disclose personal information you are not comfortable having in the public domain. Ungabhali indzaba leyimfihlo kuwe, lengakufaka esimweni lesibucayi.